Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Updates on life

For one, spending one summer month in SE Asia seems to have become a ritual. This year it was Myanmar + Thailand, Myanmar for the sightseeing (yay two or three nights in Bagan!) and Koh Tao for about a week of diving. I preferred Gili Air for diving, for better visibility and lesser crowds, but that was last year before shows were aired and I don't know what would be best this year.

Other updates on life include being able to concoct martinis on my own and visiting the famed Sleep No More. I mean this image just hit me and I just thought I would need to talk about it! At first I thought it was a glorified ghost house, and I still wouldn't say that it's more than that, but it's as if you've intruded a place, that you were an uninvited silent(or silenced) guest.